Love to connect on this topic - great points

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Thanks Deborah!

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Inevitably … if it’s being marketed solely for education it almost certainly crap.

And yet our universities buy into it and make it near impossible to expose students to real, professional grade tools.

That’s why I love how buildable AI is. We don’t need companies to build us specific tools … we can build them ourselves!

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Absolutely, Lance - completely with you on this one! However, we do need to figure out the best ways to ensure this new type of teacher innovation complies to certain types of organizational requirements such as standardised approaches to quality assurance. But frankly I don't see that as a major challenge here. Thanks for chipping in, Jeppe

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Interesting article though I feel overly optimistic for what the vast majority of teachers are able to take on with their existing skills and bandwidth especially for impact at scale. Most of my work has been around building systems for scaled impact so I start with that lens. This approach would require teachers to develop pretty extraordinary skills in these basic tools but it would also create huge disparities in what is happening from one classroom to the next. Coherence would fall apart. I would be curious about this approach in even a medium size district let alone a large system. I do like the idea of helping and supporting teachers in their instructional design. I also agree that many edtech tools miss the mark. We try to find a middle ground with our Edtech tool, Yourwai, to build coherence whilst giving teachers guided opportunities for instructional design within their districts frameworks. Wrote an article along these lines last week. Thanks for your thoughtfulness. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/three-reasons-why-trying-make-teachers-prompt-engineers-jason-green-rkave?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via

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Jason, thank you very much for your comment. You raise numerous excellent points here as well as in your article on LinkedIn. It is pivotal to find the right balance between teacher ressources (=primarily time), money spent on technology, and impact at scale in accordance with learning objectives. Thanks for your insightful contribution to the dialogue in this field.

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Indeed. We are all living a true AI world for the first time. We need to push each other as much as possible to get to the best possible thinking.

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